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Two Again July 23, 2008

Posted by tuimeltje in administrative, dinner, food, rant, travel.
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Two things, mostly related to my internet access and posting frequency, though it does end with a rant.

One, I’ll be hanging out in the UK for a few short days, playing my pipes and spending too little time with Sinead. I’m unlikely to have internet access there at all, though I’ll bring my camera and post about the highlights later.

Two, I’ll be moving soon. I’ve been sort of looking for a flat for a while now, what with me getting slightly tired of student housing and looking forward to living with my boyfriend, but this is still happening rather suddenly so I’ll have to arrange a bunch of stuff quite quickly. All very exciting (my own (tiny) kitchen! Gotta get me a fridge…), but again something that’ll lead, if not to scattered internet access, at the very least to scattered internet time.
And scattered me, certainly. I’m not particularly organised at the best of times, but combining a hardly-prepared move with a job and a nice bit of cat-sitting is probably going to leave me temporarily flaily and absent-minded.
Or, uhm, more flaily and absent-minded than usual.

To make this at least vaguely about food, I should maybe mention the soup I made on Monday. Last week, when I made the salad with the last of the rice and beans, I kept some of the celery stalks, hoping they’d last until this week so I could make me some lentil soup to make use of my lentil stash and actually make something with those tinned diced tomatoes I’ve had lying around for, like, ever.
They lasted, so I made soup. It was good, though I should’ve maybe used fewer of those dried red peppers.
Live and learn.

Since I eat my lunch at work these days I rarely have the materials to make a decent sandwich meal, the kind I eat Tuesday evenings on the train to band practice, unless I make a special effort. For last night, I kind of forgot about that (see? Scattered).
So instead of sandwiches, I took along the frozen leftovers from the lentil soup. Which hadn’t properly thawed when I was on my way there, so I took the time to try that bain marie thing when everyone else was having coffee. While it’s better hot, it’s not too bad eaten cold. Eating it with bits still actually icy, however, kind of sucks.

Apparently (getting slightly ranty here), a basic, simple lentil soup is a strange and exotic food to your average Dutch omni. And not the good kind, either. The freaky outlandish sort that looks like puke.
Now I can’t argue too much with how the soup looked, as I’ve probably puked up things that vaguely resembled this soup, but the lentil is a fairly humble and incredibly common legume that is much more exciting than most people’d think.
Not freaky, and it shouldn’t be that strange and exotic to people who seem to like curry (the UK sort, from a nice jar or served at a friendly pub) and I assume were at least raised vaguely Protestant and might still be practising in some way or another. Red lentils are, like, totally biblical and everything.
Just ask Esau.

Also, me eating my lovely not-particularly-exotic soup shouldn’t make people tell me all about their worldly oh-so NOT VEGAN culinary experiences involving grubs and that thin webby bit between a duck’s toes. Really, it’s not what I want to hear when I’m bloody eating.
I generally quite like these people, but sometimes omnis confuse me. I strongly suspect they (omnis in general, but it became pretty obvious with this crowd) would like to make my eating habits all about the food so they won’t have to think about that pesky little ethical concept underlying it all (and since the food is obviously icky, they don’t have to try that, either). Why else would otherwise considerate people appear so unaware of how a vegan might feel about their NOT VEGAN culinary adventures? This was the sort of thing where the less adventurous omni would either get grossed out or get upset about the cuddly critter eating, so the only reason I can think of as to why someone would discuss it with me is that they see veganism as just another kind of adventurous eating, which would be one hell of a way to not get it.

It’s times like those that make me appreciate vegan freaks, people who know their legumes and also occasionally feel like aliens among their barbaric acquaintances.


1. VeggieGirl - July 23, 2008

Have fun in the UK, and best of luck with the move!!

2. tuimeltje - July 23, 2008

Thanks. :)

3. Tofufreak - July 24, 2008

those omnis… sound.. horrendous to say the least. webbing between duck feet? blecchh

on a happier note, best wishes regarding your move! ^_^

4. tuimeltje - July 24, 2008

Yeah.They’re quite nice generally, and generally cool with my veganism, but they’re still omnis. While omni Asian food is no more gross than the omni food here, it’s just a little more unusual here in the Netherlands. Also, people don’t generally go on about their omni food to me in such detail. Ugh.

Thanks. While I’ll probably not like it too much, I’m sure I’ll enjoy living there.

5. sinead - July 24, 2008

what? people disparaging lentils!!???? the BARBARIANS!!!! Lentils are, like, the best thing ever. Sheesh. I mean, how can anyone say that lentils look gross when dead flesh looks like, well, DEAD FLESH? Sheesh. Plus, lentils, don’t look gross. They look like lentils. Which are wonderful fragments of pure yummyness.

I find it odd that omnis often lack basic manners when confronted with vegan food. In any other context, it would be completely and totally unacceptable for anyone over the age of 4 to use the word “gross” to describe food that somebody else is eating, no matter what they think of the food. Even those under the age of 4 would have probably gotten in trouble in the social circles I grew up in (quite multicultural, I can remember mixing wontons into my borscht and then dipping naan into the borschton soup…as my brother calls it). Imagine how politically incorrect it would be for a white person eating a cheese sandwich on white bread to sit down next to a brown person eating curry, take one look at the curry and say: “wow. that looks like vomit. actually, all indian food looks like vomit. indians must be crazy.” See? WRONG. RUDE. RACIST.

So, I’ve actually started responding to the “gross” comments from omnis by just saying “That was very rude”, rather than debating the actual food in any way. Sometimes, in my head, I imaging hitting them gently on the end of a nose with a small ruler and saying “bad omni. rude.”

6. tuimeltje - July 24, 2008

Oooh, that sounds like fun! I’d probably best stick to simply telling them it’s rude. I wonder if I’ll be able to practice that on the ferry…

Sounds like a good way to grow up.

7. Tofufreak - July 25, 2008

you can usually find the red bean paste in cans or rectangular plastic bags. neither require refrigeration until you open them. if, however, you still cannot find the premade paste, you can make your own homemade. simply cook red adzuki beans as you would normal beans (i.e. soak and then cook until soft) don’t drain off the water; add brown or white sugar (to taste) to the mix and cook over med-low heat until the water is evaporated. one the water has evaporated, add about 1/4-1/3 cup of shortening (i know this may seem like a lot, but all of it is necessary to form a smoother rich paste). mash everything together as you would mashed potatoes, or in a mixer, food processor, or blender. If you like, you can leave it a touch chunky.

hope that helps!

8. Tuimeltje - July 29, 2008

Thanks! I’ll make sure to look for it next time I’m in one of those supemarkets, but if I don’t find it, I’ll just make it myself. :)

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