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To Do

Reading other food blogs and randomly hearing about foods occasionally makes me want to cook up some of that for myself. To prevent me from forgetting about these plans, I figured it’d be best to write them up here so I can keep track and get all happy and edit-y when I actually make something from the list.

-Make my own falafel at home, from scratch.
-Make blondies, as inspired by VeggieGirl’s post.
-Make refried beans, as inspired by Frugal Abundance.
-Make a simple miso soup with dried shiitake like the one Dr Michael Klaper made in that one cooking video.
-Make the carob smoothie Renee posted about once.
-Make vegan grieskonijn.
-Make oreo ice cream Made!and create something cool involving smashed oreos.
Make that baba ganoush Bonnie linked me to once.Made!
-Make popcorn with nutritional yeast.
-Make vegan mac&cheese.
-Make coconutty rice.
-Make pizza from scratch. Gluten-free if possible.
-Make this green stuff.
-Make mole or some other spicy cocoa thing.
-Make rösti from scratch, as shown here.


1. janetching - August 13, 2008

It’s a very good idea to have a To do List : )

2. tuimeltje - August 17, 2008

It is. Now to actually make any of this stuff…

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